Monday, December 17, 2007

WinForms inheritance workaround

I've started some days ago with a simple mini-guide for creating Windows Forms Applications with NHibernate. It's not finished yet but what's interesting because I wanted to have visual inheritance in my application + using Generics. I initially thought that this should not be a problem but i was wrong.

After adding Generics support to my Forms + creating abstract Form , the Designer stopped working with one of those "ugly design-time errors" , which BTW are very nicely shown in 2008.
So my conclusion is : neither 2005 nor 2008 can easily support Generics + USer Control (or forms) inheritance (they both share this same "bug" / limitation ).

Luckily I found this workaournd from Frank Bakker .I could work-around and create a common/base UserControl for my Business Object UI.

Code Example:

public partial class ProductFormUC : ProductFormUCDummy
public ProductFormUC() : base()

public ProductFormUC(int pProductID) : this()
Product product = this.Repository.ProductDAO.Fetch(pProductID);
if (product == null)
throw new Exception("Not Found : was it deleted? improve this case");


categoryBindingSource.DataSource = this.Repository.CategoriesDAO.GetAll();
categoryBindingSource.DataMember = "CategoryName";

productBindingSource.DataSource = product;



This "intermediate" class makes the trick :
public partial class ProductFormUCDummy : BaseBOFormUC
protected override IDAO DAO
get { return this.Repository.ProductDAO; }



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